The TMT .NET Project
In Development: TMT Development Co. announces the details of the .NET Compiler Project.
The Platform:
Microsoft has developed a virtual machine and runtime environment intended for hosting more than just a
single language. The VM environment supports services and tools that are together called Microsoft .NET.
The .NET platform provides a virtual environment for running programs. There is a hardware-independent
intermediate language, a built in garbage collector, a byte-code verifier, classes, methods, interfaces
and so on. This environment is called the Common Language Runtime (CLR).
- Microsoft .Net Com object
- Interoperability with other CLR compliant languages
- All produced programs pass the .Net runtime verifier
- Execution speed comparable with fastest object oriented languages
By supporting the new Microsoft .NET that TMT will support programmers who need to be able to use the
a programming language best suited to their application.
With a large base of business applications having been written in PASCAL TMT will provide continuity for
exixsting code base as well and ways to make it do new things.