FrameworkPascal Unit list
FrameworkPascal comes with extensive functional Libraries for the Windows API (Application User Interface) GUI (Graphic User Interface), GDI (Graphic Device Interface), Open GL, Direct X, DOS 32 and more.
Libraries are referred too in Pascal as "Units" and typical include routines that provide services such as graphics, printing, file accessibility etc.
FrameworkPascal Units detailed description is available online
in the Online HTML Help system
Standard Units
AccCtrl - Common new style Win32 Access Control unit
ACLAPI - Acl and trusted server access control APIs interface unit
ActiveX - Base ActiveX and OLE 2 interface unit
CommCtrl - Common Controls interface unit
CommDlg - Common Dialog APIs interface unit
CompMath - Complex number manipulation Unit
CPL - Control panel extension DLL definitions unit
CRT - Keyboard and monitor control routines
D3D - Direct3D version 7 interface unit
D3D8 - Direct3D version 8 interface unit
D3DApp - Application object for the Direct3D samples framework library
D3DFile - Support code for loading DirectX (*.X) files
D3DFont - DirectX Texture-based font object
D3DRes - Resource definitions required by the CD3Dapplication object
D3DRM - Direct3D Retained mode interface unit
D3DUtil - Helper functions and typing shortcuts for Direct3D programming
D3Dx8 - Headers of helper library for 3D programming
DDEML - DDEML API interface unit
DDraw - DirectDraw interface unit
Debug - Print the Run-time Error Codes
DInput - DirectInput interface unit
Dlgs - UI dialog header information unit
DMusic - DirectMusic interface unit
DOS - MSDOS support unit
DOSCall - DOSCall Private unit
DPlay - DirectPlay version 7 interface unit
DPlay8 - DirectPlay version 8 interface unit
DPMI - DOS Protected Mode Interface support unit
DSetup - DirectXSetup interface unit
DShow - DirectShow interface unit
DSound - DirectSound interface unit
DX7toDX8 - DX7 to DX8 Direct3D aliases to aid porting DX7 apps to DX8
DXFile - Interfaces to access Rendermorthics eXtensible file format
DXUtil - Helper functions and typing shortcuts for DirectX programming
ErrCodes - ErrorCode constants
FDebug - Write the ErrorCode to the log file
Graph - Graph unit
HTMLHlp - Html Help API unit
ImageHlp - Image help routines
IMM - Input Method Manager definitions unit
Keyboard - Keyboard Handling unit
LM - Lan Manager interface unit
LZExpand - Data Decompression library functions
MAPI - Messaging Applications Programming Interface unit
Math - Extended Mathematics unit
Messages - Messages interface unit
MMedia - Multimedia Devices support unit
MMSystem - Multimedia interface unit
Mouse - Mouse Handling
NB30 - NetBIOS 3.0 interface unit
ObjFont - Object Oriented Font Support for ObjGfx 3.0
ObjGfx30 - Object Oriented Graphics Library v. 3.0
ObjImage - Object Oriented Image support for ObjGfx 3.0
ObjKeys - Object Oriented Keyboard support for ObjGfx 3.0
ObjMouse - Object Oriented Mouse support for ObjGfx 3.0
OpenGL - OpenGL API interface unit
OS2PMAPI - OS/2 API interface unit
OS2ORD - Ordinal values for OS/2 API interface
OS2Types - Types for OS/2 API interface
PenWin - Pen Windows Interface Unit
Printer - Printer Support unit
RegStr - Registry interface unit
RichEdit - RichEdit 2.0 control interface unit
ShellAPI - Shell API interface unit
ShlObj - Shell Objects Interface unit
Strings - Large string manipulation unit
System - Built-in routines
TlHelp32 - Tool help unit
UrlMon - URL Moniker support unit
Use16 - Redefinition of Integer Types for 16-bit
Use32 - Redefinition of Integer Types for 32-bit
WinCRT - Text Screen interface unit for Win32
WinDNS - Windows 32bit DNS API interface unit
WinDos - MS-DOS function emulation for OS/2 and Win32
Windows - Base Windows 32-bit API interface unit
WinInet - Microsoft Windows Internet Extensions API interface unit
WINSOCK.DLL - Windoes Sockets API interface unit
WinSpool - Print API interface unit
WinSvc - Service Control Manager unit
ZenTimer - Full-featured ZTimer Library
ZMouse - IntelliMouse support interface unit
Units Files
- Units are provided in object code in files with special extensions.
- FrameworkPascal can create Pascal Units with specific extension.
Graphic Units System Requirements:
- VGA compatible video card required (VESA VBE 1.2
recommended, VESA VBE 2.0 or higher is best) for MS-DOS and Microsoft DirectX 3.0 or later
for Windows' 95/98/2000 applications.
- CPU Intel 80386 or higher.
- PMODE/W, WDOSX, CAUSEWAY or DOS/4GW compatible extender for
MS-DOS 32-bit protected mode applications.
Notices on Win32
The Graph unit can be used to emulate MS-DOS
SVGA graphics in a Windows 32-bit GUI and console applications using the Microsoft
DirectDraw 3.0 or later. Moreover the Graph unit for Win32 works in conjunction with the
CRT, Keyboard and Mouse units in a same way, as in MS-DOS applications. So you may
recompile most of your old MS-DOS programs as Win32 GUI applications without any changes
in your sources.
Compatibility with the Graph
unit from Borland:
The FrameworkPascal Graph unit partly replicates the
Graph unit from Borland Pascal. However there are some differences. Note that the FrameworkPascal
Graph provides many procedures and functions, which are not supported by Borland's Graph
Video card compatibility:
The GRAPH unit has been tested on the
following graphic adapters:
- Trident 9440 with 1 Mb (with/without UniVBE 5.3)
- S3 Virge with 4 Mb (with/without UniVBE 5.3)
- STB Velocity with 4 Mb (without UniVBE)
- Cirrus Logic GD-54xx VGA (with UniVBE 5.3)
- ASUS V3000 (NVidia Riva 128) with 4 Mb (without UniVBE)
- Matrox Millenium with 2 Mb (without UniVBE)
- ATI Mach 64 with 4 Mb (without UniVBE)
- NVidia Riva Vanta with 8 Mb (without UniVBE)
- MicroStar 8817 (nVIDIA GeForce2 MX) with 32 Mb (without UniVBE)