Previous: 4.59. OS2Types - Types for OS/2 API interface To the Table of Contents Next: 4.61. Printer - Printer Support unit
4.59. OS2Types - Types for OS/2 API interface Table of Contents 4.61. Printer - Printer Support unit

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Table of Contents
4. Standard Units
4.60. PenWin - Pen Windows Interface Unit

4.60. PenWin - Pen Windows Interface Unit

Targets: Win32 only

This module imports the structures and functions used with pens.

A pen is a graphics tool that an application for Microsoft® Windows® uses to draw lines and curves. Drawing applications use pens to draw freehand lines, straight lines, and curves. Computer-aided design (CAD) applications use pens to draw visible lines, hidden lines, section lines, center lines, and so on. Word processing and desktop publishing applications use pens to draw borders and rules. Spreadsheet applications use pens to designate trends in graphs and to outline bar graphs and pie charts.

There are two types of pen: cosmetic and geometric. A cosmetic pen is used with applications requiring lines of fixed width and lines that are quickly drawn. A CAD application, for example, uses a cosmetic pen to generate hidden, section, center, and dimension lines that are between .015 and .022 inches wide - regardless of the scale factor. A geometric pen is used with applications requiring scalable lines, lines with unique end or join styles, and lines that are wider than a single pixel. A spreadsheet application, for example, uses a geometric pen to define each of the bars in a bar graph as a wide line.

For more info look the "Pens" in WIN32.HLP.

Previous: 4.59. OS2Types - Types for OS/2 API interface To the Table of Contents Next: 4.61. Printer - Printer Support unit
4.59. OS2Types - Types for OS/2 API interface Table of Contents 4.61. Printer - Printer Support unit

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