Previous: 4.61. Printer - Printer Support unit To the Table of Contents Next: 4.63. RichEdit - RichEdit 2.0 control interface unit
4.61. Printer - Printer Support unit Table of Contents 4.63. RichEdit - RichEdit 2.0 control interface unit

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Table of Contents
4. Standard Units
4.62. RegStr - Registry interface unit

4.62. RegStr - Registry interface unit

Targets: Win32 only

This module imports the structures and functions used with Registry.

About the Registry:
The Registry is a system-defined database that applications and Microsoft® Windows® system components use to store and retrieve configuration data.

The registry stores data in binary files. To manipulate registry data, an application must use the registry functions. This unit describes the registry and the functions that applications use to access and manipulate the data stored there. The data stored in the registry varies according to the Windows platform that is used.

For more info look the "Registry" in WIN32.HLP.

Previous: 4.61. Printer - Printer Support unit To the Table of Contents Next: 4.63. RichEdit - RichEdit 2.0 control interface unit
4.61. Printer - Printer Support unit Table of Contents 4.63. RichEdit - RichEdit 2.0 control interface unit

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