ogClone() | Table of Contents | ogCopyLineFrom() |
procedure ogCopy(var srcObject:ogSurface);Remarks:
If the source surface is larger than the destination surface, the image will be clipped to the destination buffer. If the destination is larger than the source, the source surface will appear at (0,0) of the destination. If the source and destination pixel formats and/or bitdepth is different, this method will convert the buffer as needed. Going from a high/true colour buffer to an 8BPP buffer can be very slow.
This is identical to calling:
dest.ogCopyBuf(0, 0, source, 0, 0, source.ogGetMaxX, source.ogGetMaxY);but is slightly more efficient.
When dealing with two 8BPP buffers, this method does a byte for byte copy and does not check for differing palettes, nor will it remap pixel colours to the destination palette.
See also: Sample code:{ogCopy.pas} uses ObjGfx40, CRT; var buf8, buf16, buf24, buf32:^ogSurface; count:uInt32; begin new(buf8, ogInit); new(buf16, ogInit); new(buf24, ogInit); new(buf32, ogInit); {create buffers with default pixel format for their bitdepth} if not buf8^.ogCreate(800, 600, OG_PIXFMT_8BPP) then begin writeln('Error allocating memory'); halt end; if not buf16^.ogCreate(800, 600, OG_PIXFMT_16BPP) then begin writeln('Error allocating memory'); halt end; if not buf24^.ogCreate(800, 600, OG_PIXFMT_24BPP) then begin writeln('Error allocating memory'); halt end; if not buf32^.ogCreate(800, 600, OG_PIXFMT_32BPP) then begin writeln('Error allocating memory'); halt end; if not screen^.ogCreate(800, 600, OG_PIXFMT_32BPP) then begin writeln('Error setting video mode'); halt end; {Draw some rectangles and circles into the 8bpp buffer} with buf8^ do for count:=0 to ogGetMaxX div 2 do ogRect(ogGetMaxX div 2-count,ogGetMaxY div 2 -count, ogGetMaxX div 2+count,ogGetMaxY div 2 +count,(count mod 240)+16); with buf8^ do for count:=0 to ogGetMaxX div 2 do ogCircle(ogGetMaxX div 2,ogGetMaxY div 2,count,(count mod 240)+16); {Copy the original buffer into buf16.ogCopy() takes care of the pixel conversion} buf16^.ogCopy(buf8^); {Copy the 16bpp buffer into buf24.ogCopy() takes care of the pixel conversion} buf24^.ogCopy(buf16^); {Copy the 24bpp buffer into buf32.ogCopy() takes care of the pixel conversion} buf32^.ogCopy(buf24^); {Note thnat Screen^.ogCopy(buf8^); would accomplish the same thing but be much faster. This method was used for demonstration only} screen^.ogCopy(buf32^); readKey; dispose(buf32, ogDone); dispose(buf24, ogDone); dispose(buf16, ogDone); dispose(buf8, ogDone); end. ogClone() | Table of Contents | ogCopyLineFrom() |