ogSetRGBAPalette() | Table of Contents | ogVSync() |
procedure ogSetRGBPalette(colour, red, green, blue:uInt8); virtual;Remarks:
Colour defines the palette entry to be set, while red, green, and blue define the component colours of the palette entry.
The red, green, and blue values are with a range of 0..255, where 0 is minimum and 255 is maximum.
Modifies the hardware palette with the new entry.
Restrictions:Palettes are only relevant to 8BPP modes.
See also:{ogSetRGBPalette.pas} uses ObjGfx40, CRT; var xx, yy, zz:uInt32; begin if not screen^.ogCreate(800, 600, OG_PIXFMT_8BPP) then begin writeln('Error setting video mode'); halt end; {Set up an optimized palette for 256 colours if dealing with 8bpp} with screen^ do if (ogGetBPP = 8) then begin for xx:=0 to 15 do ogSetRGBPalette(xx, (xx+1)*16-1, 255, 0); for xx:=0 to 15 do ogSetRGBPalette(xx+16, 255, 255-((xx+1)*16-1), 0); for xx:=0 to 15 do ogSetRGBPalette(xx+32, 255, 0, (xx+1)*16-1); for xx:=0 to 15 do ogSetRGBPalette(xx+48, 255-((xx+1)*16-1), 0, 255); for xx:=0 to 15 do ogSetRGBPalette(xx+64, 0, ((xx+1)*16-1), 255); for xx:=0 to 15 do ogSetRGBPalette(xx+80, 0, 255, 255-((xx+1)*16-1)); for xx:=0 to 15 do ogSetRGBPalette(xx+96, 255-((xx+1)*16-1), 255, 255); for xx:=0 to 15 do ogSetRGBPalette(xx+112, 255, 255-((xx+1)*16-1), 255); for xx:=0 to 15 do ogSetRGBPalette(xx+128, 255, 255, 255-((xx+1)*16-1)); for xx:=0 to 15 do ogSetRGBPalette(xx+144, 255, (xx+1)*16-1, (xx+1)*16-1); for xx:=0 to 15 do ogSetRGBPalette(xx+160, (xx+1)*16-1, 255, (xx+1)*16-1); for xx:=0 to 15 do ogSetRGBPalette(xx+176, (xx+1)*16-1, (xx+1)*16-1, 255); for xx:=0 to 15 do ogSetRGBPalette(xx+192, (xx+1)*16-1, 255-((xx+1)*16-1), 255); for xx:=0 to 15 do ogSetRGBPalette(xx+208, 255, (xx+1)*16-1, 255-((xx+1)*16-1)); for xx:=0 to 15 do ogSetRGBPalette(xx+224, (xx+1)*16-1, 255, 255-((xx+1)*16-1)); for xx:=0 to 15 do ogSetRGBPalette(xx+240, (xx+1)*16-1, (xx+1)*16-1, (xx+1)*16-1); ogSetRGBPalette(0, 0, 0, 0); for xx:=0 to 255 do ogVLine(xx, 0, 63, xx); end; {if bpp=8} zz:=1; repeat with screen^ do for yy:=0 to 255 do for xx:=0 to 255 do if (yy=0) or (xx=255) or (zz=255) then ogSetPixel(256+128+xx-(zz div 2), 128+yy+(zz div 2), ogRGB(xx, 255-yy, zz)); inc(zz,2); until (keyPressed) or (zz>255); while keyPressed do readKey; readKey; end. ogSetRGBAPalette() | Table of Contents | ogVSync() |