Previous: 4.74. WinDos - MS-DOS function emulation for OS/2 and Win32 To the Table of Contents Next: Flag constants
4.74. WinDos - MS-DOS function emulation for OS/2 and Win32 Table of Contents Flag constants

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Table of Contents
4. Standard Units
4.74. WinDos - MS-DOS function emulation for OS/2 and Win32
4.74.1. WinDos Unit Constants and Variables

4.74.1. WinDos Unit Constants and Variables

Targets: MS-DOS, OS/2, Win32

Previous: 4.74. WinDos - MS-DOS function emulation for OS/2 and Win32 To the Table of Contents Next: Flag constants
4.74. WinDos - MS-DOS function emulation for OS/2 and Win32 Table of Contents Flag constants

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