Previous: 7.2.4. Function 0003 - Get Selector Increment Value To the Table of Contents Next: 7.2.6. Function 0007 - Set Segment Base Address
7.2.4. Function 0003 - Get Selector Increment Value Table of Contents 7.2.6. Function 0007 - Set Segment Base Address

- 7.2.5. -
Table of Contents
7. PMODE/W MSDOS Extender
7.2. PMODE/W Supported DPMI INT 31h functions
7.2.5. Function 0006 - Get Segment Base Address

7.2.5. Function 0006 - Get Segment Base Address


This function Returns the 32bit linear base address from the descriptor table for the specified segment.
   AX =     0006h
   BX =     selector
   if successful:
     carry flag clear
     CX:DX  = 32bit linear base address of segment
   if failed:
     carry flag set
Client programs must use the LSL instruction to query the limit for a descriptor.

Previous: 7.2.4. Function 0003 - Get Selector Increment Value To the Table of Contents Next: 7.2.6. Function 0007 - Set Segment Base Address
7.2.4. Function 0003 - Get Selector Increment Value Table of Contents 7.2.6. Function 0007 - Set Segment Base Address

- 7.2.5. -