Previous: Global variables in DLL's To the Table of Contents Next: 2.2.12. Procedures and Functions Global variables in DLL's Table of Contents 2.2.12. Procedures and Functions

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Table of Contents
2. TMT Pascal Language Description
2.2. Pascal Language Structure
2.2.11. Dynamic-Link Libraries (DLL's) Import Units Import Units

Targets: OS/2, Win32

You can place declarations of imported procedures and functions directly in the program that imports them. They are usually grouped together in an "import unit" that contains declarations for all procedures and functions in a DLL, along with any constants and types required to interface with the DLL. For instance, the Windows (WIN32.HLP) and OS2MAPI are import units.

Of course, import units are not a requirement of the DLL interface, but they do simplify maintenance of projects that use multiple DLLs. Also, when the associated DLL is modified, only the import unit needs updating to reflect the changes.

Previous: Global variables in DLL's To the Table of Contents Next: 2.2.12. Procedures and Functions Global variables in DLL's Table of Contents 2.2.12. Procedures and Functions

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