Previous: 4.6. CompMath - Complex number manipulation Unit To the Table of Contents Next: 4.6.2. CompMath Unit Overloaded Operators
4.6. CompMath - Complex number manipulation Unit Table of Contents 4.6.2. CompMath Unit Overloaded Operators

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Table of Contents
4. Standard Units
4.6. CompMath - Complex number manipulation Unit
4.6.1. CompMath Unit Types

4.6.1. CompMath Unit Types

Targets: MS-DOS, OS/2, Win32

CompMath Unit

Following types are defined in the CompMath unit:
  CReal = Extended;

  Complex = record 
    re, im: CReal
  TComplex = Complex;
The Complex type describes a record that stores two fields of type CReal (see above), one that represents the real part of a complex number and one that represents the imaginary part.

Previous: 4.6. CompMath - Complex number manipulation Unit To the Table of Contents Next: 4.6.2. CompMath Unit Overloaded Operators
4.6. CompMath - Complex number manipulation Unit Table of Contents 4.6.2. CompMath Unit Overloaded Operators

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