- 7.2.28. -
Table of Contents
7. PMODE/W MSDOS Extender
7.2. PMODE/W Supported DPMI INT 31h functions
7.2.28. Function 0400 - Get Version
7.2.28. Function 0400 - Get
This function Returns the version of the DPMI Specification implemented
by the DPMI host. The client can use this information to determine what
functions are available.
AX = 0400h
always successful:
carry flag clear
AH = DPMI major version as a binary number (VCPI/XMS/raw
returns 00h)
AL = DPMI minor version as a binary number (VCPI/XMS/raw
returns 5ah)
BX = flags:
Bits Significance
0 0 = host is 16bit (PMODE/W never runs
under one of these)
1 = host is 32bit
1 0 = CPU returned to V86 mode for reflected
1 = CPU returned to real mode for reflected
2 0 = virtual memory not supported
1 = virtual memory supported
3-15 reserved
CL = processor type:
03h = 80386
04h = 80486
05h = 80586
06h-ffh = reserved
DH = current value of master PIC base interrupt
(low 8 IRQs)
DL = current value of slave PIC base interrupt
(high 8 IRQs)
The major and minor version numbers are binary, not BCD. So a DPMI 0.9
implementation would return AH as 0 and AL as 5ah (90).
- 7.2.28. -